Friday, August 29, 2008

My Thoughts on Creativity

It seems as though, especially in the last few years, that people are being less and less creative. They don't seem to be using their minds to come up with things, as much as they used to. Why is that? If no one uses their creative part of their minds, no new ideas will be introduced and, eventually, we'll get to the point where society crumbles.

I am glad that many books and new ideas are constantly being introduced. But, if you look at my age group - highschool and teenager area - and really look at how much they're putting creativity into things, it doesn't seem like a lot... Just something running through my head ;)


Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Thoughts on Popularity

What makes a person popular? Is it based on how many friends you have? What kind of clothes you wear? Shoes? How much money your family has? How good or bad your grades are? WHAT?!

I personally disagree with the thought that a certain person or group of people has to be considered higher than the rest of the school community... I really just don't understand it... Plus, it seems that the worse your grades are, the more popular you get... But, why? Shouldn't the kids who actually pay attention and work hard in school be popular? I mean, it makes sense that the smarter kids should be popular because they're the ones who are going to have a future and not be working at some hotdog stand making so little, you can barely afford to live... I just don't understand why social standings exist... *sigh* Just something running through my head ;)


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Thoughts on Bad Words

I had this conversation with my grandma a little while ago... Why do bad words have to be labeled as "bad"... What separates them from the rest of the words in the dictionary? Why do they have to be negative and why can't they be labeled as average words? I just don't understand it... Labeling them as "bad" words just makes kids think they're cooler to say and they get in trouble for saying them.... I mean, come on... They don't sound repulsive or unattractive... So, again I ask: Why are they "bad" words?

I'm neutral on whether cussing is okay or not. I don't care if someone cusses to my face. They can think what they want. I don't care. However, I think there are words that can replace them that make some people more comfortable in public... I don't cuss... I don't understand the point. I don't understand why you have to say words that are marked as "bad" in society to fit in at your school or other places... *sigh* Just something running through my mind... ;)

...who's rather confused thinking about all this...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Thoughts on Clothes

I went school shopping today and I noticed that there seem to be way too many skull and crossbone shirts... And the sad part to me is that they are incredibly popular and in style... Why would you want to wear a shirt around with topics of death and skeletons...? It actually makes me worry even more about what kind of a wold we're becoming... =(


What this blog is about

To start the blog off, I want to explain what it's for. It's a blog of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences as I go through life. This blog is more personal than about Letterboxing. So, enjoy the blog... =)