Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Thoughts on Bad Words

I had this conversation with my grandma a little while ago... Why do bad words have to be labeled as "bad"... What separates them from the rest of the words in the dictionary? Why do they have to be negative and why can't they be labeled as average words? I just don't understand it... Labeling them as "bad" words just makes kids think they're cooler to say and they get in trouble for saying them.... I mean, come on... They don't sound repulsive or unattractive... So, again I ask: Why are they "bad" words?

I'm neutral on whether cussing is okay or not. I don't care if someone cusses to my face. They can think what they want. I don't care. However, I think there are words that can replace them that make some people more comfortable in public... I don't cuss... I don't understand the point. I don't understand why you have to say words that are marked as "bad" in society to fit in at your school or other places... *sigh* Just something running through my mind... ;)

...who's rather confused thinking about all this...

1 comment:

Casa del Sol said...

Here's my take on it, for what it's worth. While I believe that cussing is not appropriate in public or around children, I do think it has its place. I'm a big believer in not stifling your emotions. Keeping them bottled up only makes them come out sideways somewhere down the road. When something bad happens, saying a “cussing substitute” does not have the same emotional release as saying a good cuss word. Cussing is catharsis to me. It’s letting those bad emotions out so that they are not building up inside.