Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Thoughts on Popularity

What makes a person popular? Is it based on how many friends you have? What kind of clothes you wear? Shoes? How much money your family has? How good or bad your grades are? WHAT?!

I personally disagree with the thought that a certain person or group of people has to be considered higher than the rest of the school community... I really just don't understand it... Plus, it seems that the worse your grades are, the more popular you get... But, why? Shouldn't the kids who actually pay attention and work hard in school be popular? I mean, it makes sense that the smarter kids should be popular because they're the ones who are going to have a future and not be working at some hotdog stand making so little, you can barely afford to live... I just don't understand why social standings exist... *sigh* Just something running through my head ;)



Holly said...

I was one of those unpopular, type A, work my fingers to the bone, get only A's, in school. I did not give a rat's bottom what anyone thought .... I saw the big picture ....... and always remember this lesson in life that you don't learn in school:
"Be nice to geeks, you will probably work for one someday!" I think that Bill Gates is given credit for this but he is not the one that said it .....


Suziecurls said...


I hate the "clique" of snots that think they are "all that" and tell you too.
The defination of popular is
1. Widely liked or appreciated: a popular resort.
2. Liked by acquaintances; sought after for company:
Looks to me like you are extremely popular.

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