Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Thoughts on Clothes

I went school shopping today and I noticed that there seem to be way too many skull and crossbone shirts... And the sad part to me is that they are incredibly popular and in style... Why would you want to wear a shirt around with topics of death and skeletons...? It actually makes me worry even more about what kind of a wold we're becoming... =(



Holly said...

As a Mom of a little boy, I agree with you ~BOB~. Not just the skull stuff but the "funny" t-shirts and such that are really more disrespectful then funny. My sister-in-law bought my son a shirt that said:

I'm Bored ....... You must be talking ..... ZZZZZZZ

It really bothered me and there was NO WAY I was going to let my 6 yr old wear something like this to school. He doesn't know any better but SHE DOES. So to not have any hurt feelings he only wears it to bed. I should at this point just toss it in the trash or use it as a rag outside. Not a great lesson we as adults are teaching the youth of this world .... HUH ....

Casa del Sol said...

Hey Holly~
Maybe he could wear the shirt when he visits her! Maybe it would sink in for her then!