Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Thoughts on Complaints

But mom! I don't want pizza for dinner!! *insert whining here*

Hearing my sister complain about nearly everything that doesn't go her way gets VERY obnoxious. It really ticks me off.... A LOT! You want to know why? Of course you do or you wouldn't be reading this entry.

It ticks me off because we are so fortunate to have all these extra things in this world that make our lives so much more pleasing. We are very fortunate. By questioning the way someone provides something that would be considered a treat to have in most other parts of the world really makes me question whether or not having all these extra things in the United States is a good thing. Maybe it makes us more greedy or grouchy as a society. *sigh*

Just something running through my head...


Monday, October 20, 2008

My Thoughts on Possibly the Stupidest Topic Ever...

Okay, I was watching T.V. this morning and I saw that an ad for microwavable chicken. I looked at it and they were saying that it wasn't grilled, it was for the microwave. But, on the chicken, you could see the marks like it was just off the grill... Why? What is the point of those marks? I just don't get it... Anyone know why they'd have grill marks on a microwavable piece of chicken? ......sigh.......

...Just something (pretty random) running through my head.....


Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Thoughts on Racism

It's disturbing to me how someone can be discriminated against because of what their skin color or heritage is. It really bothers me. Slowly, the country is getting better at it, but as generations go on, people from generations before them pass on their ideas of racism that they learned from the generation before them and so on. "What's wrong with those people?" I ask myself when I think about the racism in this country. The truth is (at least the way I see it) is that there is nothing wrong with them, they just are different from you. So what? Everyone has their differences. For example, you and I are not alike. We look completely different in our body appearances. So, why do we have discrimination running so freely in this country? I can never seem to answer that question, no matter how many times I ask it. It's sad really...

Just something flowing through my head...


Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Thoughts on Our Crashing World

When I watch the news now days, I get sad. It's amazing to see what's going on and why it's happening. Amazing in a bad way. We've got issues with the stock market, gas prices and shortages, and the war in Iraq.

The stocks are falling and the market is almost guaranteed to crash sometime soon. It's not looking good.

Then, there's gas prices... and in many states, gas is VERY hard to find. I am friends with many people in those states and I can't imagine what they're going through.

Many people are dying every day in Iraq and spouses and children are losing their loved ones. It makes me sad especially on the topic of the war and mad at the fact that we're over there and many people are dying each day on both sides.

The world is about to go through some tough times and everyone's going to be along for one heck of a ride...

.....and now that it's started, chances are it's not about to stop. Just something running through my head...


Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Thoughts on Friends

It's been a few months since I last posted here and someone mentioned the other day that I should start writing on the blog again... Well, I've started school and everything's going pretty well. I'd like to talk about friends today. I've made a few since school started and I just wanted to talk about them.

We've got new friends we've just met and old friends we've known for a long time. Now that I've moved back to Oregon, I'm catching up with some friends that were very awesome friends before. I enjoy catching up with them and we are having a great time talking and catching up.

I've also met some new friends at school. Now, my old friends don't go to my school, so I need to know someone that I can hang out with. So, I met this group of three, partly by mistake actually. I walked in at lunch on the first day and sat at any table I decided. Well, I sat down and three girls that you can all tell have very different personalities based on their looks come and sit down. They started off by saying "Hi, how are you?" and it went on from there. I share two classes with one of them, so she knew me from there. Within the next few days, just as any friends would, we found out what we had in common and each other's personalities. Week 6 of the school year and we're still hanging out and we talk as if we knew each other our whole lives.

So, anyway, the point is that you can be friends with people, almost anyone, even if it's by chance. You should keep your old friends and shoot to hang out with some new ones every now and then =)

Just something running through my head ;)